Worshiping Safe - COVID-19 Resources
Worshiping Safe In-Church
Correct as at 30 November 2020
Current Situation
The recent case surge in Victoria has shown us that the COVID-19 situation is still a fluid and precarious one. The Victorian government has scrapped planned easing of church attendance, and the number of people we can have in our homes has been scaled back from 20 to 5. After consultation we have returned to a more cautious approach for the next month than we have over the past few weeks. Your safety is our first priority. A range of practical measures must be observed in order to minimise the chance of infection from this and all viruses.
We need to be responsible for and to each other.
Attending an In-Church Worship Service
The only in-church service currently is 10:30 am on Thursday mornings at St John's Ballan. This open to everyone who cannot participate in online services.
All services are limited to 20 worshipers. Please be aware that if the limit of 20 is reached, you may be asked to come another day.
There are no in-church Sunday services​
Please do not attend the in-church services if you have been unwell and or have had flu-like symptoms in the past 72 hours. Please attend the Online Service instead.
Worship Safe Protocols
Please apply hand sanitiser upon arrival at and departure from the church.
Please sign in upon entry. We have to keep records of all church attendance.
Please keep a minimum of 1.5 metres from others you do not share a household with.
Please do not shake hands or touch anyone before, during or after services.
A personal service book for your use from week to week will be issued to you. Weekly material will be placed in a recycle bin as you leave.
Please sit at the designated points marked on the pews. Do not sit directly in front of, or behind anyone.
The collection bowl will not be passed around, but a bowl will be placed near the entrance for your offerings. Electronic giving via credit or debit card is encouraged.
Your seat will be wiped with disinfectant after you leave. This applies to everyone, so please do not be offended. All used surfaces and door handles will be cleaned as well.
Holy Communion will only be offered in one kind to all communicants until further notice. Only the consecrated bread will be distributed. This does not diminish God's grace received in Holy Communion.
A full list of Protocols and restrictions can be found on the Anglican Diocese of Ballarat Website.
If you have any questions about how to attend church or view the Live Stream service, please feel free to contact us.
Fr Glen
0429 146 566