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Parish Privacy Policy

The Parish Council of the Parish of West Moorabool in the Anglican Diocese of Ballarat (“Parish Council”) commits to protecting the privacy of personal information regarding potential Church members, Church members, service providers, contractors and agents.


1. Collection

In most circumstances, information is collected directly from you. This may be through correspondence, E-mail, in person and by telephone. Indicative information we may collect includes your name, contact details, date of birth history of Church membership etc.


In relation to individuals acting as service providers, contractors or agents of the Parish Council the information collected is confined to your name, contact details and relevant information concerning your dealings with the Parish Council.


2. Purpose of Collection

The information is collected for the purpose of recording members of the Parish and its congregations and to enable the Parish and Diocese to communicate about the activities of the Church, its funding needs, programs and its philosophies.


In relation to individuals acting as service providers, contractors or agents, the Parish Council may use your information to access or use services provided by you or an organisation that you work for.


3. Use and disclosure of information

We will only use or disclose information for the purpose it was collected (primary purpose) unless the person has consented, or the secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose and a person would reasonably expect such use or disclosure.


A normal secondary purpose is communication about our activities, funding needs and philosophies.


Personal information will be disclosed to third parties when legally required to do so, i.e. a Victoria Police or Commission for Children and Young People investigation.


4. Accuracy of Personal Information

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure the information we collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date at the time of collection. If your circumstances change or if you have reason to believe our records are not accurate, complete or up-to-date please contact us immediately and we will take all reasonable steps to amend the information in accordance with the above criteria or an alternative may be discussed with you.


5. Openness

Information on the information handling practices of the parish will be made available to anyone on request.


6. Access

You may request the right to access the personal information that we hold about you. However, our discretion, duties and obligations under the Law may restrict your access. Given this, all reasonable actions will be taken to assist access or to address any reasons you have to seek access. If access is deniable we will provide you with reasons in accordance with the Law. Individuals may apply for access to the personal information held about them by application to the Parish Priest or Diocesan Registrar.


7. Identifiers

Identifiers that have been assigned by a Commonwealth Government agency (e.g. Tax File Number, Medicare number, Pension number etc.) will not be adopted, used or disclosed except where required by law (e.g. in the case of a Contract).


8. Anonymity

Individuals are given the option to interact with the Parish Council anonymously whenever it is lawful and practicable to do so.


9. Transborder data flows

The Parish Council will only transfer personal information to a recipient in a foreign country in circumstances where the information will have the appropriate protection.


10. Sensitive information

Sensitive information will not be collected unless a person has consented to its collection, it is required by law, or the collection is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any other individual. Sensitive information includes information relating to health, racial or ethnic background, or criminal records. Higher standards apply to the handling of sensitive information.


Policy Scope and Coverage: All Parish leaders and members




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